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The Consulate General in Dubai

The Consulate General in Dubai is divided into two sections; a consular and a commercial department. The consular department handles matters related to passport, visa and other consular cases, whereas the commercial section deals with issues related to trade and business.

The Royal Danish Consulate General in Dubai is comprised of a dedicated team of employees. The Consulate General can assist you with consular matters and all issues related to trade and business. We can be contacted by phone, email or fax. Please visit Travel and Residence and The Trade Council for further information regarding our services.


Head of Mission, Consul General

Joakim Larsen

Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Visa and Consular Section
Hanne-Rie Madsen

Head of Government Affairs and Executive Secretary
Yassmine Aref Gadalla
E-mail: [email protected]


Head of HR and Administration
Caterina Marie Alberg



Food, Agriculture & Fisheries
Esben Filt Jensen
Minister Counsellor
E-mail: [email protected]

Imane Bounaga
Commercial Advisor
E-mail: [email protected]

Environment and Water

Astrid Svitzer Ching Nielsen
Head of Commercial Section and Senior Trade Advisor
E-mail: [email protected]

Hanane El Ghiouane
Senior Commercial Advisor
E-mail: [email protected] 

Denise Antaki
Senior Commercial Advisor
E-mail: [email protected]

Energy and Tech
Stella Martin Beck
Senior Commercial Advisor
E-mail: [email protected]

Interns/Commercial Assistants

Lennart M. Frohmann

Emilie Rise


Contact information

The Royal Danish Consulate General and Trade Commission of Denmark
Umm Suqeim 2
Al Thanya Road, Al Beteel Street, Villa no. 208

Post address
The Royal Danish Consulate General and Trade Commission of Denmark
P.O. Box 2988
United Arab Emirates

Tel. (+971) 4 52 68 700 

Consular section
[email protected]

Visa section
[email protected]

Trade/Commercial Section
[email protected]

For opening and telephone hours, please click here