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Future Cities 4.0

Future Cities 4.0 (FC4) is a UAE based Danish Climate Corporate Consortium, building on 6 years of urban development experience in the UAE, invites select Danish companies to take part in concrete activities to promote and spearhead sustainable urban solutions and strategies in the UAE.

75% emissions come from cities - by leveraging Denmark’s expertise, and existing relations, the FC4 intends to support the UAE's vision of enhancing sustainable development and urban resilience in collaboration with local partners.

Join this exclusive initiative and help shape the future of urban development!

Denmark has committed to one of the most ambitious climate goals in the world of reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent in 2030 compared to the emissions in 1990. The strong focus on sustainability combined with public-private partnerships has fostered great innovation in the areas of green transition, water management, green cities and circular economy. The Danes have proven that business and sustainability can go hand in hand and has become a sought after provider of green solutions and expertise.

Let’s go green together

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Contact Details

If you want to learn more about Future Cities 4.0 in the UAE, please reach out to Hanane El Ghiouane: